2024 May 9, 19:30 p.m. National Art Gallery (Constitution pr. 22, Vilnius)
Symphonic jazz compositions were specially created for the opening concert of the Vilnius Spring Festival!
About “Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble”
In 2022, the jazz orchestra “Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble” led by the composer Jievars Jasinskis started actively performing concert activities, has named as one of its main missions the mastering the creators of Lithuanian jazz in terms of both performance and creativity. In this way, the ensemble aims to present the diversity of the jazz genre, to attract larger audiences.
The goal of “Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble” is to encourage young and experienced jazz composers to create original compositions, thereby expanding the repertoire of Lithuanian big band compositions, which has not been very extensive so far. During the last year, several works were created, which were warmly received in various concert halls or outdoor festivals.
“Cooperation with St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra is a unique opportunity to create an innovative symphonic/jazz sound while writing music for big band and string orchestra. The sound of the string orchestra will not only enrich the scores of jazz works but also provide new colors and sound possibilities when experiencing the sound of symphonic jazz”, – say the members of “Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble”.
The composers of “Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble” write music especially for this concert: Jievaras Jasinskis, Karolis Šarkus, Simonas Šipavičius, Apolinaras Dubauskas, Gediminas Strupinskas, Domantas Razmus, Pranas Kentra.
The concert is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Lithuania’s membership in the EU and NATO.
Main participants of the concert:
Vilnius JJAZZ Ensemble
St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra, artistic director and chief conductor Modests Barkauskas